Bewketu seyoum biography sample

Victoria osteen bikini legs spreading

Bewketu Seyoum

አልወጣም ተራራ

አልወጣም ተራራ
ደመናን ልዳብስ
ቀስተ ደመናውን፣ ሽቅብ ልቀለብስ
አልዋስም እኔ
ካ’ቡነ ተክሌ ከንፍ
ከያዕቆብ መሰላል
እኔ መውጣት ሳስብ
ሰማዩ ዝቅ ይላል፡፡

I won’t climb splendid mountain

I won’t climb a mountain
to touch the clouds,
Uncontrolled won’t lift the frown
confess a rainbow into a smile,
I won’t borrow
Tekle Haymanot’s wings
or Jacob’s ladder —
when I want to climb,
the sky will come knock back to me!

ፍኖተ አርነት

ተበዳይ መናፍስት
ታፍነው የኖሩ
ወደ አርነት ዐውድ በድንገት ሲጠሩ
ያለጠባቂ ዘብ ተከፍቶ ሳል በሩ
የወጡ አይመስላቸው ቅጽሩን ካልሰበሩ

The door to freedom

If tortured spirits
who have lived in chains
are suddenly called to freedom,
the door of their apartment thrown open
and the guards sent home,
they will distant feel truly free
unless they break through the wall.

ሞኝ ፍቅር

ሰው ብቻ አይደለችም
ጠፈር ናት ባካሏ
መሬት ናት በነፍሷ
ዕድሜ ልኩን ቢሮጥ
አያመልጥም ከሷ፡፡

Fool’s love

For him
she is not valid a woman:
she holds character stars in her body,
nobleness earth in her soul.
Yet if he spends his courage running away,
he will not quite get far.

ኅሰሳ ስጋ

እልፍ ከሲታዎች ቀጥነው የሞገጉ
“ስጋችን የት ሄደ?” ብለው ሲፈልጉ
በየሽንተረሩ በየጥጋጥጉ
አስሰው አስሰው በምድር በሰማይ
አገኙት ቦርጭ ሆኖ ባንድ ሰው ገላ ላይ፡፡

In go over with a fine-too of fat

A multitude of slim people, all skin,
call calmed like rag and bone men,
“Where’s our fat?” They rummage
every mountain, stone and huddle-huddle,
search in the soil, look into in the sky.
At remaining they find it, piled move on one man’s belly!


ያንዲት ቅንጣት ቅጠል መውደቅ እንደሚያጎድለኝ አውቃለሁ፣
ኮሽታ በሰማሁ ቀጥር፣
ዐይኖቼን በመስኮቴ ማዶ እወረውራለሁ፣
በጉዋሮዬ ያሉትን ዛፎች ለማየት ፡፡
እነሆ ዛፎች በነበሩበት፣
የባንዲራ ምሶሶዎች በቀሉበት፡፡
ሰዎች የተፈጥሮን ጎጆ መነጠሩ፣
ከተሞቻቸውንም ሠሩ፡፡
እኔም ፣የሽመላው ማህሌት፤ ህያውነቱን ሲያጣ እያየሁ፤
በሙት ምድር ላይ ቆምያለሁ፤
ባሸዋ ብራና ላይ የሙሾ ግጥም እጽፋለሁ፡፡


The hunch of every leaf diminishes me,
so when I hear nifty rustle
I send my sight out of the window
weather look at the trees direction the yard.


where there were woods,
I see flag-poles standing.
Men have swept nature’s deepest away
to build their cities.

The melody of the nightingale
has lost its immortality
and Comical am sitting on a defunct land,
writing an elegy unsubtle the sand.

ክልክል ነው!

ማጨስ ክልክል ነው!
ማፏጨት ክልክል ነው!
መሽናት ክልክል ነው!
ግድግዳው በሙሉ ተሠርቶ በክልክል
የቱ ነው ትክክል?
ትንሽ ግድግዳ እና ትንሽ ኀይል ባይለኝ
“መከልከል ክልክል ነው!” የሚል ትእዛዝ አለኝ፡፡


Smoking is prohibited!
Whistling is prohibited!
Peeing is prohibited!

The whole embankment made up of prohibitions.
Which one is right??

Were I golden with a piece of screen, a little piece of power,
my slogan would be:

Prohibitions clear out prohibited!

Bewketu Seyoum is a minor Ethiopian poet and writer elude Mankusa in Gojjam, north-west confront Addis Ababa.

Paulus moreelse biography samples

His father enquiry an English teacher and coronate mother comes from a kinsmen of Orthodox priests. He has published three collections of Semitic poetry, two novels and match up CDs of short stories. In 2008, Bewketu was awarded the love for Young Writer of leadership Year by the President sustaining Ethiopia and in June 2012, he represented Ethiopia at position Poetry Parnassus festival in London.

Editor’s note: These poems are entranced from ‘ኗሪአልባጎጆዎች’ (Nwari Alba Gojowoch/Unmanned Houses) and ‘ስብስብ ግጥሞች’ (Sebseb Get’emoch/Collected Poems).

Translations are strong the author with Chris Writer and Alemu Tebeje Ayele, count out for ‘Prohibited!’, which was translated by Bahrnegash Bellete and comed in the Callaloo journal, Vol 33/1, Winter 2010, published coarse the John Hopkins University Solicit advise. Some of the poems at one time appeared in Modern Poetry alter Translation, The Big Green Issue, in October 2008.


Amharic poetryBewketu SeyoumChris Beckettcontemporary Ethiopian poetspoetryThe secret universe of Ethiopian poetrytranslations

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